Last month we welcomed two student placements from Huddersfield Univesity who will be with us for a year, working with our established expert team gathering industry knowledge whilst finding out the ins and outs of 3DW. They have been undergoing training since they started which they have both taken to really well and we’re delighted with their progress so far, we have started easing them into live project work which is brilliant to see.
I sat down with our two new starters asking a few questions to find out a little more about how they ended up doing what they are doing and much more.
First up is Amaara

Tell me a little about yourself.
I currently attend the University of Huddersfield studying for a degree in computer science. I like programming so my studies have led me to becoming competent in many of the popular languages used today such as Java, Python and SQL. I’m in my second year and realised I might need other languages so I’ve also been learning some HTML, CSS and Javascript which I hope to build on.
What interested you to study the course you are?
When I was younger I was interested in artificial intelligence so I took computer science in secondary school. I found myself enjoying learning about the subject so when I finished high school I decided to carry on studying it at sixth form which led me to decide to enrol at Huddersfield University with the aim of gaining a degree.
What are the benefits of doing a work placement?
I think there are plenty of benefits to doing a work placement as part of my course at university, I’m looking forward to learning new skills that I would not get the opportunity to get at university. Being able to work in a real work environment is another thing I'm really looking forward to, gathering experience plus knowledge is brilliant. Living in a new place for a year aswell will give me new experiences, Manchester is a great place to explore and I‘ve got a lot on my list.
What are you looking forward to at 3DW?
I’m looking forward to developing new skills and I am also looking forward to developing any skills I already possess. Another thing I’m looking forward to is learning how to work in a professional environment properly so that I can use more skills in my future career. The team at 3DW are really nice and has welcomed me in, I’m looking forward to getting to know them.
Over the next 12 months, what are your goals at 3DW?
I want to improve my skillset first and foremost, also improving my knowledge of what working in the industry is like is really important over the next year. I can then return to University with that knowledge in the bank which will hopefully put me in a good place to complete my studies and for my future career.
Tell me a fun fact about you.
I’m a big big fan of the animated film Coraline and have watched it from start to finish including the credits 20 plus times.
Next up is Kai, I asked him the same questions.

Tell me a little about yourself.
After leaving high school I decided to study at Barnsley College for 2 years, I left with level 3 extended diploma in games design and development I then enrolled at Huddersfield University studying games design and development to gain my degree. My further education has helped me in many areas of my knowledge so far, I particularly like 3D asset and environment creation so a lot of my skills centre around this such as 3D modelling, Unreal level design, character creation, animation and prototyping. I’ve built up a strong knowledge of many key software packages such as 3DS Max, Substance Painter, Photoshop, Z Brush, Maya and Unreal Engine I like to use a wide range of packages as I believe this will make my skillset much more rounded.
What interested you to study the course you are?
I have always played computer games from a very young age. As I got a little older I became interested in how certain features of games were created and how they were put together. So this lead me down this career path, I knew interest in this field could be something good for me so have tailored my studies to match my ambitions.
What are the benefits of doing a work placement?
The key benefits of being able to do a work placement are working on real-time projects that are actually being used in real-life situations. This allows you to be surrounded and close by with people that have a lot of experience within the industry and complete projects which helps you learn new techniques and workflows faster. Working in a professional environment also allows for you to adapt to real job/life situations that as a student you don’t have experience within in the field that you are studying.
What are you looking forward to at 3DW?
I’m looking forward to developing new skills and I am also looking forward to developing any skills I already possess. Another thing I’m looking forward to is learning how to work in a professional environment properly so that I can use more skills in my future career. The team at 3DW are really nice and has welcomed me in, I’m looking forward to getting to know them.
Over the next 12 months, what are your goals at 3DW?
At 3DW I am looking forward to the experience and knowledge I will gain from working on different exciting real-time projects and the knowledge that I will gain from working with experts within the industry that have gained a lot of experience. I am looking forward to seeing how much I will develop and improve my skills and knowledge from current to the end of my placement.
Tell me a fun fact about you.
I started wresting at age 13, WWE style wrestling which I find really fun.
Thank you to Kai and Amaara for giving up their time for this blog, it's been great to learn a little more about them and we all look forward to the year ahead.