End of year thoughts

9 December 2021

As we approach the end of the year, we find ourselves reflecting on how 2021 has been for the team at 3DW.

We started 2021 with a bit of a damp squib, as families and friends didn’t have the ability to celebrate together due to the pandemic restrictions taking hold again. We continued with full-time home working keeping the ball rolling in true 3DW style.

As the year progressed and we got closer to the summer, things started opening up again so we decided to bring our team back into the office for a few days a week. This became the new way of working, our team adapted really well to a new way of working in a more flexible pattern this might change again in the near future but 3DW is resilient to changes in COVID rules proving we can pivot quickly when issues arise.

This year, despite the ongoing pandemic we have been able to improve and achieve a new level as a business. We have invested in many aspects of how our team can assist our clients in delivering the very best solutions to help them communicate the multiple projects they have in the planning. Investments in hardware, software, staff, our office environment, and overall capabilities have all added up to what has been a successful year for us as a business.

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Recently, we took the time out as a team to really appreciate the accomplishments of this year as it can feel like sometimes all you do is focus on the next task so really having a think about what you have achieved is good. We have had a wonderful year as a business.

We have successfully helped many companies like Orsted, Vattenfall, SSE, EDF, Equinor, Gatwick and Eirgrid to name a few successfully build on their plans using innovative solutions like the Virtual Exhibition platform that has been an immense success for us.

The Virtual Exhibition platform was already in development before restrictions took place in 2020, the pandemic has sped up development thus making it more readily available to clients. Over the last 12 months, we have continuously developed and improved the platform to make it a robust solution in 2021 that many companies decided to use as part of their overall consultation offering.


As mentioned earlier in this blog, we have invested heavily on hardware and in-house software development over the last 12 months, to facilitate not only home working but also creating much larger and visually rich 3D solutions efficiently.

We are all aware the use of fast broadband this last 18 months has been vital to many businesses keeping people connected from wherever they are our business wasn’t any different, this has allowed us to work with companies across the globe from Sweden to the USA and have long in depth discussions with people as far away as Australia, We’re proud to have completed a large scale visualisation project located in Massachusetts USA which was all done over integrated project management solutions, the feedback we received from the client was fantastic and we look forward to working in the USA much more over the coming years with the rapid growth of major infrastructure projects there.

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One other area we are proud to have been able to bring to the front again is the STEM activity we’ve been providing in schools for some time now, this event has grown in popularity over this time and has now been delivered in schools up and down the county, also in the Netherlands, USA and Sweden which is really fantastic news. Towards the back end of 2021 thanks to our partners Orsted and the Walney community fund we have been able to deliver 12 more sessions across Cumbria.

So far we’ve been receiving wonderful feedback from the events with students really getting on board with the “be a windfarm developer” day, putting all their effort into the event which is held in their classrooms under Covid safe rules, our team have been taking regular tests and wearing masks where and when it is required, regularly sanitising equipment plus making sure where possible to distance this has worked so far and we’re looking forward to completing this batch of events before Christmas.

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I know this blog has turned into a bit of a whopper for me, so I’ll wrap it up by saying a big thank you to everyone we’ve worked with this year who have continued to trust us to help them bring their projects to life and communicate with all stakeholders across the spectrum.

We are so happy that we have been able to continue to provide the very best solutions to our clients in a timely manner, on budget to a high level. Without our client’s collaboration then this simply wouldn’t be possible so again a big thank you to all.

I want to wish everyone a very happy and safe end to 2021 and look forward to 2022.