Vattenfall - Whiteneuk

Moni­aive, Scotland

As a continuing investment in renewables Vattenfall approached 3DW to look at developing a 3D solution in relation to the proposed development of Whiteneuk which is a planned onshore wind development of upto 35 turbines with a combined capacity of 200MW output around 5km south of Moniaive in Dumfries and Galloway.

3DW working closely with Vattenfall developed a large-scale interactive 3D model roughly around 35km x 25km in size including the 3D terrain geometry with a resolution of 5m with aerial imagery of 50cm resolution. On this we placed the layout of the wind farm with views of the proposed site next many of the local landmarks for reference so stakeholders can familiarise themselves in the 3D space.

We built functionality into the 3D model using our innovative layout system Real Plan so the design team can use the model as a design tool so they can take on board feedback and adjust their offering using locality constraints overlaid in the 3D space. During 2020-2021 restrictions on face to face public relations and community consultation activities associated with the proposed wind farm were not allowed so 3DW built a Virtual Exhibition. The platform was built with the aim of continuing stakeholders to get involved with the planning process in a safe and familiar environment that they can access from the safety of their own home with no time limits.

3DW also produced a series of videos featuring a pre-rendered fly through of the site, generated from the 3D model showing routes along the main access routes to the site.

As part of this project 3DW will prepare a schools based STEM activity, using Virtual Reality technology and based on the Whiteneuk windfarm, which 3DW staff will deliver in local schools as part of the community engagement efforts associated with the project.

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Vattenfall Whiteneuk Windfarm 2
Vattenfall Whiteneuk Windfarm 3
Vattenfall Whiteneuk Windfarm