Swansea Greener Grid

Swansea, UK

Statkraft is a leading company for hydropower solutions and Europe’s largest generator of renewable energy they approached 3DW to assist with the consultation period for the Swansea Greener Grid Project.

The project located to the west of Rhydypandy Rd, Wales, aims to provide vital systems in renewable energy to the UK's energy mix and help the country reach its target of becoming net-zero by 2050.

The Swansea Greener Grid project is an innovative design that provides grid stability with Large electrical machines with flywheels (called synchronous compensators) that can replace the spinning turbines of a traditional power station but without emitting any carbon dioxide. The development also includes co-located battery storage and grid infrastructure to connect the Swansea Greener Grid to the National Grid.

The project has a grid connection that allows Statkraft to export or import electricity to and from the National Grid, therefore offering a solution to grid stability with the ability to plug gaps in the grid.

3DW, in collaboration with the design teams, created a comprehensive package of visual tools for use during the consultation period. This included a fully interactive 3D model with various design options, pre-defined flythroughs for public viewing, an interactive exhibition, and high-resolution photomontages of the site from different locations.

The visual tools were well-received by all stakeholders, with many viewers across various platforms, demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach in delivering the project. Statkraft will continue to play a key role in delivering innovative solutions like this and help break our reliance on fossil fuels for good.

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