Sgrin llawn
Panoramic Images

Project Description

In July 2022, National Grid, the Electricity System Operator (ESO), published the Pathway to 2030 Holistic Network Design (HND), setting out the blueprint for the onshore and offshore electricity transmission network infrastructure required to enable the forecasted growth in renewable electricity across Great Britain, including the UK and Scottish Governments 2030 offshore wind targets of 50GW and 11GW.

The extensive studies completed to inform the ESO’s Pathway to 2030 HND confirmed the requirement to reinforce the onshore corridor from Kintore to Tealing, providing a 400kV connection between these sites enables the significant power transfer capability needed to take power from onshore and large scale offshore renewable generation connecting on the east coast of Scotland before then transporting power to areas of demand.

SSEN Transmission is proposing to establish a new 400kV network and reinforce sections of the existing electricity transmission infrastructure across the north-east of Scotland.

The East Coast 400kV Phase 2 upgrade projects have therefore been highlighted as critical to enable the delivery of the UK and Scottish Government’s targets, with a requirement for accelerated development and delivery to meet these targets in line with a required in-service date of 2030.

Portal Navigation

The information below is intended to assist with navigating the 3D Portal, however there is an Interactive Portal User Guide, which you can access by clicking here

The Map

In order to view the visualisations and navigate the portal, please start by clicking on any of the cameras on the adjacent map. They are situated next to their relevant viewpoints to allow access to areas of interest.

Should you prefer to view the map in satellite, this can be done by clicking the ‘Satellite’ tab at the top right hand corner of the map.

Once you have clicked on a viewpoint, if you want to return to the full map at any point, please click on the project map icon situated down the left-hand side of the map – it is a location pin icon on top of a grid.

If you are viewing a video and would like to return to the overview map, the project map icon is situated at the top right-hand corner of the screen.


Once you click on a visualisation, you will be presented with three tabs across the top middle of the screen; ‘Existing’ ‘Consented’ and ‘Mitigation’

If you click on the existing tab, it will show you the area as it currently stands, without the consented overhead line route nor any landscape mitigation.

If you click on the consented tab, it will show you the consented overhead line route, without any changes nor any landscape mitigation.

If you click on the mitigation tab, it will show you the consented overhead line route, with the landscape mitigation proposals included and some changes to the tower positions (these are permitted due to being within the Limit of Deviation (LOD) of 100m).